Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Leratong Community Center Day 2

The following blog post was written on the evening of the 18th July. Due to technological restrictions it was posted at a later date.

Today we split into groups again for our community projects. I went back to Leratong Community Center with four other Fulbrighters. I spent the morning crocheting again and appreciate how impressed the girls pretended to be with my skills.

Upon returning after lunch, the students opened the large bags of American flags that Doug brought and each waved one while singing different songs to us, which was quite special.

However, I am not sure that we will be welcomed back into the United States in a few weeks… we played capture the flag again. Only this time instead of old water bottles as “flags” we used actual flags. In fact, we used two of the U.S. flags that Doug brought and the kids LOVED every second of the game. Some of the rules were lost in translation, but overall the kids were fantastic and began to create good defensive strategies to protect their own flags. It was so much fun to watch and the kids seemed to enjoy the idea of the game. My favorite moment of the day was when a smaller child crossed the center line, his flag-filled arms raised above his head and an enormous grin on his face.

It was a rather good use of small American flags if you ask me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

if the department of homeland security is waiting for you at customs with a copy of this post, I promise it wasnt me that gave it to them. :-P