Saturday, June 28, 2008

I made it!

So, I made it! I am very, very excited and happy to be here.

The flights were, well, long. The flight from Atlanta to Dakar left about an hour late (sitting on runway) and then the flight was about 8 hours...then gas and security check in Dakar (which means they make everybody claim their carry on luggage and go through the cabin lifting all the seat cushions and rubbing everything down)...than a 9.5 hour flight from Senegal to J'berg.

It was also strange because they sprayed some horrible smelling spray through the cabin on the second leg because of bugs. But not to worry, it is approved by the World Health Org. I am not sure if the bugs or the spray would be more dangerous.

I only slept 45 minutes total-for a variety of reasons. I would like to thank the group of three young girls from the south on some sort of mission trip for keeping my row well kicked and embarrassed to be from the same country.

Immigration and customs were very easy...I actually got all the way through without saying a single word. At first it was just because they didn't ask me anything, then I thought it was be interesting if I actually got through the whole process without saying a word.

There was a driver holding a card that read "Ms. Dana Specht" on it when I landed and he was great...told me about J'berg and what it is like living in South Africa. I am now at the hotel and getting ready to go to sleep...I am very excited to see the other members of my group, who are probably out for dinner right now.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear you made it safe and sound. Get some rest. Look forward to hearing about your adventures to come.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Ms. Specht, sure seems like a long flight. I'm glad you made it there alive and without bugbites. (: I can't wait to hear more about your African travels