Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oh my goodness....

... I cannot believe that I actually leave tomorrow. Well, I guess that in reality it is actually today-since it is currently 12:01 am central time.

Tomorrow will be a lot of traveling. I have to wake up early in order to take the el train to O'Hare Airport for a 11:40 international flight, which means I have leave leave the South Side by about 7:30 or 8:00...which means I should probably think about hitting the hay pretty quick. I fly from Chicago to Atlanta where meet the other people going on the trip...then I fly to Senegal and then to South Africa.

I have not even added up all the hours I will be traveling, but let's just say that I would need more than my fingers and toes to count them all.

Take care and I will write as soon as I can. My first city in SA will be J'berg, which should have internet for me.

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