Tuesday, July 22, 2008

University of the Free State-Qwaqwa Branch

The following blog post was written on the evening of the 22nd July.

Today we stopped for a few briefings at the University of the Free State Qwaqwa branch. The people who greeted us were exceptionally nice and welcoming, providing us with a tea upon arrival and a lunch later in the day. We were given a nice talk about the history of the Qwaqwa are, which was a part of the former Bantu State for Black South Africans prior to the end of apartheid in 1994. The area is approximately 99% black and very poor (the unemployment rate is about 64%). The University, which is almost exclusively black, began as a college for the students living in the Bantu area and became a branch of the University of the Free State in 2001. About 2500 students attend the University, which is could easily be one of the most naturally beautiful campuses I’ve ever seen.

After our talk, we were taken to a few local entrepreneurs to see how their businesses are run. Specifically, we went to a shop that makes blinds (and other goods) from grasses. They are beautiful! It is too bad they do not yet ship to the United States.

Overall, as I sit on the bus headed to Jo’burg, I am reflecting on what was a very pleasant afternoon.

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