Saturday, August 2, 2008

Death Tour 2008

The following blog post was written on the evening of the 2nd of August in the car driving on the Garden Route to Knysna, South Africa

I was sitting in the back seat while we were driving around the park to get to the main gate this morning. We were in a hurry. Suddenly, I heard a thud noise and Jill and Steven (who was driving) said “AAAAAAAAAAHHHH.” We had hit a bird-or rather a bird hit us, which was rather upsetting. Then, when we were almost stopped and turning into the park, although bird hit our windshield leading us all to scream.

Once in the park, we were immediately met by the face of a warthog which had been ripped off when it was being eaten, probably by a lion.

About a half our later we ran into several other vehicles, including a park truck, surrounding something-which turned out to be a dying baby elephant. It was struggling for breath and the other elephants in its family were huddled around it, this was the hardest thing to see.

As we were leaving the park after our game drive I was driving alone when the truck ahead of me hit another bird, sending a massive poof of feathers our direction.

Overall, I am not sure I want to see anymore things dead or dying, especially now on considering that we will mostly be in cities filled with people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoa, sounds intense. It reminds me of the time there was half of a cat's face on the playground.