Monday, May 26, 2008

Where in the world is Lesotho?

Since I found out that I would be traveling to Africa this summer, there has been great interest from my family, friends, and students concerning where I would be going and what I would be doing. Imagine my total embarrassment to discover that I was saying the name of one of the countries incorrectly until my visit to Toledo in May. Despite the various phonetically spelled out versions of the word Lesotho, I was still saying it wrong.

It is: Le-Sue-Too

Yep, the "th" thing was think that a girl who grew up with a "ch" in her last name that doesn't sound like the English "ch" would have known better.

The next thing you might be wondering might have to do with the geography of Lesotho, so I thought I would clear some of that up.

Lesotho is a small country, slightly smaller than Maryland, located in the mountains and completely surrounded by South Africa.

The population of Lesotho is about 2 million.

The life expectancy is about 40 years old, partly due to the incredibly high HIV/AIDS rate of about 29%.

The unemployment rate is 45%, with the GDP per capita at only $1500.

Also, in addition, it is important to note that it will be winter while I am both South Africa and Lesotho. Therefore, the climate will be cold at night (20's) and warmer during the day (60's). So if I look really bundled up in my pictures you will know why.

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