Saturday, June 21, 2008

Packing for a South African Winter

Packing. I feel like I have been packing forever....

For those of you that know me, you are probably aware that I am working on a double-dose of packing right now. I am in the process of moving everything to Chicago (my new home), as well as trying to pack everything I need for a South African winter into one bag.

There are some interesting things in that one bag at this time-I thought I would share.

-Headlamp: yes, always fashionable, but in this case also necessary. Due to the rolling back-outs that take place throughout Lesotho and South Africa it will not be uncommon to wake up in the morning and to need the headlamp to prepare for the day.

-Winter hat/gloves: winter in August=bummer, but I doubt it is like a Minnesota winter so I should be ok

-Ipod: yes, I am a slave to technology

-Salted nut rolls: my mom is a firm believer in these yummy, non-meltable treats and she sent me several to help keep my protein levels up

-Headphones/mic combo: these are invaluable for Skype usage, for listening to things on my laptop, and for doing a podcast here and there

Humm...maybe instead of talking about my packing I should actually continue packing. There is so much to do.

Leaving in 5 days!


Anonymous said...

Packing is a drag, but it will definitely be worth it. I have never heard of salted nut rolls before. They sound good. Good luck with the rest of your packing!

Priscilla said...

As long as you have Salted Nut Rolls, you are good to go! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Haha this made me laugh.
