Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lesotho Blankets

The following blog post was written on the evening of 8th July.
It is winter in Lesotho, which I think I have probably mentioned at least a billion times, and so it can be quite cold.

In fact, there are whole days during which I have not really felt warm.

The Basotho people remedy the weather by wearing clothing appropriate for winter. This usually includes the wearing of a Basotho blanket. These blankets are often brightly colored and patterned, often with maize images or patterns an American might associated with cards (specifically spades). The blankets are made out of wool and are incredibly warm. They are worn in many different ways, depending on the individual’s sense of fashion, the size of the blanket, and the desire to stay protected from the elements. Common ways to wear the blanket in Lesotho include: as a cape around your shoulders, wrapped around your entire body, or wrapped around your waist like a skirt.
These blankets are not exclusively utilized in the rural areas; it is just as common to see a person walking through downtown Maseru sporting a brightly colored blanket over their shoulders as it would be in the rural areas herding sheep.

Many of us Fulbrighters have already purchased our own blankets and, although we haven’t yet worn them to on our governmental visits, we have used them to keep us warm at night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe how cold it is. If you, Minnesota native, can't warm up then it must be really cold. Stay warm.