Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thaba Bosiu

The following blog post was written on the evening of 7th July. Due to technological restrictions it was posted at a later date.

The most famous person in Lesotho is King Moshoeshoe (Mo-shway-shway), the King famous for uniting the Basotho people together. As a protective measure, Moshoeshoe led his people to the top of a mountain plateau that allowed for livestock to graze, provided fresh water, and afforded them the opportunity to see enemies approaching from a great distance. In fact, when attached they could even drop rocks on them and force them down the cliffs.

Today we climbed up this mountain. In fact, there are two ways up the mountain-a) straight up, steep, and probably a little dangerous and b) winding along the side of the mountain and much safer. For some not to interesting reasons, I was left to climb alone with Dick, Allison, and Doug. Dick allowed us to choose which path we would take, I wanted to take the one straight up the mountain but did not realized I was choosing for the whole group (including our senior member, Dick) when I said so. I must admit that I remain impressed by Dick’s capabilities. Although he needed a few breaks, he managed to walk himself right up the side of that mountain-hardly using his walking stick!

At the top we saw Moshoeshoe’s house, viewed the graves of him and his predecessors, and were amazed by the beautiful views. The guide would not allow us to walk down the steep path. I think he mentioned something about it being dangerous.

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