Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We met the King…and he poured out tea!

The following blog post was written on the evening of the 14th July. Due to technological restrictions it was posted at a later date. Pictures will be posted even later...sorry!

Today we had a meeting arranged with the King Letsie III, but it is hard to know if meeting with some higher ranking members of government will end up working out. So, we were really excited this morning when it appeared that the meeting with the King was going to happen.

Prior to the visit, we were reminded to stand when the King enters and instructed not to ask the King any political questions. Lesotho is a constitutional monarchy (and a democracy), like England. This means that the King is the Head of State and his role is largely ceremonial.

We were welcomed into a room in the royal palace around 12:00. We spent about a half hour asking him questions and then we had a surprise-the King had prepared tea for us. There was a lovely spread of rolls, buns, cheese, fruit, and sandwiches. At the end of the table the King was waiting to pour our tea for us. It was a real treat.

After getting our food, we spent more time chatting in the sitting room. Our discussions included the U.S. presidential election, of which he indicated that, although he does not think that it will make a difference in Lesotho’s policies, it would be a definite novelty to have an African American U.S. president.

Our visit ended with a photo session outside the palace, during which he allowed us each to pose for individual shots with him.

Overall, the visit was fantastic and I although I am not ruling it out, I would doubt that I will have tea served by another King anytime soon.


Priscilla said...

WOW! Tea with the King. That reminds me of the time you and I went to see the Dali Lama at the U of MN. Our friend Jerry snuck in a mason jar full of tea so he could claim that he had had tea with the Dali Lama!

Your trip continues to sound completely amazing! I love reading your blogs and appreciate the time that goes into writing them. I am learning so much. Thanks Dana! Love to you, Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

That is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

that sounds soo cool! I bet you had a good time!