Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Conversation in Lesotho: What do you eat?

The following blog post was written on the evening of the 6th of August while in Cape Town!

I just remembered a conversation I had with a young woman in Lesotho. She asked how my village was different from her’s. I told her that there were a lot more people in my village, as many people as live in Lesotho all in one city. Then, I told her that the buildings were many stories high and there were not animals walking around the streets. She looked confused and then asked how there can be so many people and nothing to eat. I tried to explain that food was bought in stores, but overall she remained confused at why we would live so close together without animals and crops around us to eat. As a child of Lesotho, she is much more used to being a part of the meal preparation process-from animal in the backyard to dinner on the plate.

I guess that she had a good point.


Anonymous said...

when will you go online?

Anonymous said...

And also we ensure that when we enter in this specific blog site we see to it that the topic was cool to discuss and not a boring one.