Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Long Haul

The following blog post was written on the afternoon of the 31st July.

Today we woke up early and hit the road. We knew that we were in for a long drive, but we didn’t know quite how far. People kept giving different estimates, anywhere from 6 to 10 hours.

We had a quick stop at the airport to add Jill as a driver to our car and then we were on the N2 by about 8:30am, which would take us all the way to East London. When leaving Durban the N2 started off as a beautifully paved four-lane highway, complete with on/off ramps. The highway quickly turned into a two-lane road through the middle of nowhere that sporadically entered bustling small towns, with people blocking intersections for a few blocks and then quickly returned to the rural peoplelessness that existed through most the drive (although stunning in its beauty).

The hills, which were beautiful, were green-which marked the first real green scenery I’ve seen since arriving in South Africa.

We ended up stopping for a late lunch, which wasn’t planned but the empty road provided little in terms of options for a meal until about 11am when we rejoined at the sighting of a Wimpy sign. After the meal we were back on the road, finally arriving in East London around 5:00 this evening.

I must admit that it feels good to have the longest drive under our belts-and it should be noted that Steven likes to drive and had not complaints with doing all of the days driving. It should be noted that we never got to the AASA office to pick up our free maps and, instead, we used the guidebook that Andrew (thanks, buddy) gave Steven to guide us across the country.

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